Monday, November 17, 2008


First 25

I completed my first 25 mile training ride on Saturday morning (15-Nov-08) at Santos. My initial plan was to get 30 - 40 miles in with a 10 - 12 mph pace, however, the pace was set at around 14 to 15 mph right out of the gate. Needkes to say I didn't quite get 30 - 40 miles. I quickly realized that I couldn't maintain that pace for long. Fortunately the group didn't mind waiting for me to catch up. It was probably the most tiring training ride to date. Riding with guys of that caliber (specifically Luis) will defiantly force me to improve my skills, speed, and endurance. 


  1. LMAO, what caliber? I'm a .22 trying to survive in a world of .45ACPs...

    Wait until you ride with some real strong riders...

    p.s. don't ever call one of our rides a training ride! LOL

  2. yea call them races... specially if ghost rider captain lu is there.. lol... keep riding strong you doing good...

    btw, i see a ss 29er in your future...
