Tuesday, January 13, 2009


My Frst Marathon

I completed my first marathon on Sunday, Jan 11th 2009! I did it with very little training. I'm very sore and very tired. It was not an easy accomplishment but it has left me with an unusual sense of motivation. So much so that I have set a few new, more ambitious goals.

The adventure began almost a year ago with a conversation between my wife, Theresa, and I. Theresa had jokingly told me "Good Luck" after I announced that I thought I could do a Marathon. So, with a few beers in me, I did what any other typical "dude" would do. I signed up for a Marathon, the Disney Marathon to be exact. Over the next year I would change my mind so many times as to whether or not I was actually gong to attempt it I lost count.

The time I took to make my decision was at the cost of my training. I ran more miles during the race than during all my training runs combined. I did three training runs consisting of a 2 miler, 5 miler, and a 10 miler. These training runs all went surprisingly smooth which gave me confidence that I actually could finish it. I made my decision to give the marathon a shot about a month before it was to take place.

Come race day morning I was having quite a mix of feelings and emotions. I was a little nervous about finishing it yet excited at the opportunity to cross the finish line. I was proud of myself for even attempting it but embarrassed that I let my training slip so much. I was worried about getting a permanent injury but confident that I would finish. I rolled out of bed at 3:00 am in order to get a shower, get dressed, and catch the bus to the start line. Once at the start line I was in for a 2 hour wait. The 2 hour wait went by fairly quickly though as most of it was spent walking to my corral and watching the pre-race entertainment.

The course led us by way of the Disney's Highway system and service roads through EPCOT, The Magic Kingdom, Disney's Animal Kingdom Park, Disney's Hollywood Studios, and back through EPCOT before finishing in the EPCOT parking lot. In typical Disney fashion, there was no a lack of entertainment with music, Disney characters, animals, and cheer stations strategically located along the entire route. Entertainment wasn't the only thing we had though, food, drink, and medical stations were also available to us if we needed them.

My half split (13.1 Miles) was 2:36:48. I was hoping for a 5 hr finish time so I wasn't doing too bad. Unfortunately my IT band started to go around mile 18 so I decided to let up a bit. I started a run / walk routine but it wasn't long until I realized that that my jogging distances were getting shorter and shorter due to the pain on the side of my knee. I made the decision to walk the remainder of the marathon. The next 6 miles I spent trying to figure out how "Power Walkers" do it. My muscles were burning, my knees were shooting pain full reminders of my poor training, and my feet were bruised and swollen. Somehow I managed to start jogging again with about 1/4 mile left. I trotted across the finish line of the 26.2 mile event 6hrs, 10 min, & 15 seconds after it started. It took a bit longer than I would have liked ,but I did it! I finished my first Marathon.
Check Spelling
I spent the rest of the day hobbling around EPCOT and "drinking around the world" with my family and friends. Although I felt a sense of pride in wearing my Marathon Medal I couldn't help but admire everyone I saw wearing a Goofy medal and shirt. For those of you who aren't familiar with Disney's Goofy Race and a Half Challenge, It consists of a half marathon followed by a marathon the very next day. I have decided to sign myself up for the 2010 Goofy Race and a Half Challenge. I know I'll have to train hard for this one and I can't be indecisive about participating. It's one of my goals for 2010.


  1. AWesome, brilliant work!

  2. Thats good stuff, I don't even like driven that far let alone running. When do we get to see the Superfly?

  3. Congrats on your first marathon- Glad I got to witness the accomplishment! It was an inspiring weekend!

  4. How did you do the nutrition and hydration part?
    Did you have to carry gels?

    I will probably try a half-marathon.

  5. TL - I wore a belt that held a flask of Gel and 1 cliff bar. For the hydration I stopped at ever water stop.

    What halfer are you considering?
