Monday, November 23, 2009

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Bike Commuting On Hold

I’m reluctantly putting my bike commuting on hold. I was just starting to get into a good routine and really starting to enjoy it but, I don’t want to jeopardize my running. With the Goofy race less than two months away and my training program pushing my legs to their limits every weekend I’m afraid that I’d be asking too much of them with an additional 24 mile a day bike commute. Besides, I think my wife would kill me if I was unable to run with her for her first Marathon.

Even though I’m planning on running the Gasparilla marathon in February I should be able to resume my commuting after the Goofy race. So why would I be able to commute while training for the Gasparilla when I can’t do it while training for the Goffy? The Goofy race consists running a total of 39.3 miles in a two day period, a half marathon followed by a full marathon the very next day. The Gasparill is just a marathon, that’s it. 26.2 miles and I’m done. This means I’ll only be doing 1 training run on the weekends so my legs won’t be trashed come Monday morning.

Whish us luck as I try to complete my first Goofy race and Theresa completes her first marathon!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!

    Running... wow your brave...That's Tough.
