Anyways, the verdict is...Everything looks just fine. He said the swelling will be there for a couple of months but not to worry about it. He ordered me up some physical therapy to make sure that it's back to 100% for the next spill I take. Now I'll have to find another excuse to be lazy. This one was so convenient. I suppose I better start getting some long rides in if I'm going to ride Croom in a descent amount of time.

As a result of this incident I've decided to change out my pedals as soon as I get the $ for a new pair. I'm currently riding shimano PD M545s. I like em because they have a platform around the clip which allows me to keep my footing if I'm not clipped in. I suppose I need to learn to get clipped in quicker. I originally considered one of the Crank Brother's Egg Beaters but I wasn't sure, so I posted a topic on the SWAMP club forums asking "what pedals have the best mud shedding capabilities?". Who would have known that pedals would be so controversial!?! It was an

My take on all these bike component is use whatever works for you.
ReplyDeleteUsually reviews and comments are based on riders experience and what they prefer. I started with spd and got the most serious fall for failure to unclip but it would also mean that I was trying to unclip because I was not ready to tackle that section. The more I ride the less I require to unclip in an awkward situation. Awkward situation is where you will not be able to unclip the right time.
You have made the right choice sir. IMO Times are the most reliable and best overall lowest maintenance performing pedal in the business. Crank bros, shed mud the best, but I have seen them fail in the trail too many times and I personally, like to ride not walk. sorry about your ankle, hope it heals well.