My 2008 thanksgiving vacation was spent up in snowy Erie, Pa. Theresa, Tam, and I kicked off our beercation with a - that's right - a beer. We hit up the margarita bar at the airport for a 7:00 am Sam Adams. This pretty much set the tone for the rest of the trip. The first item of business upon arriving in Erie was to...that's right..crack a beer. After visiting with some friends we headed over to Theresa's family's house and...yup...cracked another beer.
As much as I would love to say that it was all about the beer, it really wasn't. The beer played a big role but the main focus of the trip was family. We spent most of the time hanging with Theresa's family with the occasional escape to friends houses.
The last day of vacation I was talked into cross country skiing. I wasn't sold on the idea at first as I had never before been skiing. After a moment of weakness I agreed and got clipped into the two waxed sticks of death. The trail head was located on a very small yet terrifying hill. I managed to glide right down before taking off on the nicely groomed trails. After stumbling around for a few hours we headed back to the lodge for a break and a...you guessed it...a beer. With a little liquid courage in me I headed back out to get a few good falls and some new bruises in before calling it quits. What a blast. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely not mountain biking, but, it was a good substitute considering the circumstances. Below is a slide show of the trip. Enjoy.
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