Monday, February 2, 2009


Ranting (HELP!)

Before I get going on my rants I wanted to take a minute to congratulate Karlos - The Naked Indian - The Single Track Samurai himself on his new sponsors. Great job man! Your mother and I are so proud! Ha-ha. But seriously though, Congrats!

Ok, on to my rants now...

Lately I've only been getting about 25 miles a week on my Superfly. I would like to some day actually hang with the guys I go riding with. I'm getting tired of getting dropped. MT and Q have been patient with me long enough and it's time that I start taking things a little more serious. I have two ideas for getting more time in the saddle. One - Commute to work. This could add at least 20 miles a day. Two - not only ride both Saturday AND Sunday but ride more miles each time I hit the trials. To kick it off I'll be riding both this Saturday and Sunday. My mileage is undetermined as of now but I'm sure it will be in the 35 - 40 mile range for both days. I have the SSSAR coming up for crying out loud! I need to get my ass in gear.

Alcohol is the devil...sometimes. I drink WAY too much alcohol! "My name is Ryan and I'm an alcoholic". At least that's how I feel. On an average weeknight I'll drink anywhere from 3 to 6 beers. Yes, I really do drink this much and it happens almost every single night. The numbers go up exponentially on the weekends and holidays. Never before in my life has something had so much control over me. The first thin I think of when I get home from work is beer. The first thing I think of when I finish a workout is beer. I don't like it and I'm going to do something about it. I'm not going to completely give up alcohol, that would be insane. What I'm going to do is limit my intake to one beer OR one glass of wine a night during the week. Weekends are a bit more tricky. I'll have to call on my friends and family to help me out here. Hopefully they'll be able to remind me of this post and what I'm trying to accomplish. Wish me luck here, I'm gonna need it!

I've put a  lot of time and money into researching and developing the perfect beer belly. Unfortunately this has been at the expense of my core strength which is now very weak. I'm hoping to take some of the time I spent drinking and sitting at the computer on the weeknights and turn it into workout time. I'm currently researching strength training methods using only my own body weight. Although this won't be as difficult as the alcohol portion it's still going to be pretty tricky. I have a tendency to start a workout routine, follow it for a couple weeks, and then completely give up on it. I'm going to need y'all to keep on me about this one too. 

I've started a "Training Log" to keep track of any and all of my training. You can access it by clicking the "My Training Log" tab above. It's kept through and every entry I make should show up on that page. I ask that anyone who reads this blog to please help keep me honest about the things I've talked about above. I'm going to post on my progress for each of them from time to time. If you notice I haven't posted about a specific topic in a while send me a friendly reminder. Chances are I've slacked and just don't want to tell anyone.



  1. I first of all would not give up the beer thing. I had a 6 pack once and its over rated. Good luck to the rest, Im still just waiting on my ride.
    (I believe in you, in a manly way!)

  2. This is in no way a scientific recommendation but watching what you put in your gut (either beer with a slab of ribs, etc. lol)will help your performance on the saddle, at least it works for me. Same miles every week but I laid off the going out to eat lunch.


  3. The first step on the right direction is recognizing you have a problem. I see that you have done that. Even layed out a plan to get out of the problem. All you have to do is follow the plan. Don't worry about sidetracks here or there. We all have small setbacks. Is the overall acomplishment that you should keep in mind.

  4. Great goals hon! I'll do my best to gently remind you of this post without becoming a "nagging wife"! And like SandPine said - we all have setbacks - it's just getting back on track & moving forward that counts!

  5. Thanks for the congrats....I appreciate it. My friend. Life to ME is about challenges. ANd creating Challenges. I dont drink beer unless I earn it, 50 miles or more and I can drink up. No 50 miles no drink. As well, consider limiting other things in life to lose some of that extra weight. Im not going to mention a thing cause I prolly mention it too much. But there is lots you can do. If beer was the only grain and sugar you consumed even if it was once a week, then you would still be doing 90% better than the rest of the people out there. Speed on a bike is a simple equation. Power vs weight ratio. Either increase your power or decrease your weight or do a combination of the two.

    In my book you rock and I am happy that I have had the opportunity to get to know you better, I definetely want to kick your ass less now then when I first met you...LMAO

  6. BigTyme - Sorry, but a six pack for you is the equivalent of one beer for me. As soon as you get your new ride you'll have to head down here and go riding with all my buds.

    TL, SP, Karlos, & of course my lovely Theresa - Thanks for the advice and support. I really appreciate it! No really, I do!

    Y'all rock!!!
