Thursday, February 12, 2009


Thigs Are Looking A Bit Different Around Here

If you've paid a visit to my blog in the last couple days you've probably noticed that things are starting look a little different around here. It's true, I've made a few changes and what I think are some pretty big improvements. Recently I've been doing a lot of research on blogging and I've come to learn that, although content is king, there are also a few other attributes that attract readers and keep them coming back. Attributes such as the blog template, colors, and cleanliness just to name a few.

In the blogging world content is king and god knows I desperately need help in this area. Unfortunately there are no magical red pills that I can swallow that will give me mad blogging skills. These skills, I believe, will come in time. Lots of time. But until my content is actually worth reading I figure I should do anything and everything to start attracting readers and followers. The easiest way for me to accomplish this is to improve the way my blog looks. Most of my research, or at least the information I trust, explains that the blog should have a clean look. It should be "easy on the eyes" and visual distractions should be limited. In an attempt to accomplish this I've uploaded a slightly modified version of's The Professional Template, removed a few widgets, and uploaded a new header image. I've also added a new Subscribe widget that will allow readers to more easily subscribe to my blog.

Hopefully these changes will help me in my quest to attract more readers and followers. I know I have a lot of work to do on the content as well as my writing skills but I'm confident that both will improve with time and experience. Let me know what y'all think? What you do you like or dislike?

Also, any suggestions on what content / topics you would like to see more of would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I came across your blog a few weeks ago but I don't remember how. It looks good and as a new blogger myself the only advice on content is if you write often the content will get better. I have found it is like when you bump into an old frend and they ask what is new...well there is a lot but you can't think of it at the time. But if you tell it as it happens it is easier.

  2. Hey CJA, Thanks for the advise. Makes sense.

    Luis, WAKE UP!!!
