Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Damn this kankle...

It's been 3 weeks to the day since my little spill at Boyette and I'm going stir crazy. I've only ridden on roads and on shell trails since. I would love more than anything to go tear up some trails at Alafia but I have a feeling I'd screw my self up more than I already have. My kankle seems to swell up like a balloon every time I spend more than 20 minutes on it. I've never broken or cracked a bone before so I don't really know how much I can push it. I'm planning on doing IDIARIDE and Croom 50 early next year. It's going to take a lot of riding to get me in shape for these as I have never really done anything like it before. Theresa and I did the Croom 35 last year and almost died. I realized that if I'm going to do the 50 miler I'm going to have to get a whole lot of riding in before then. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the doc says. One more week...


  1. You stil have time to train for the fiddies. Don't rush it. Put lots of ice on it though.

  2. "Train" is overated, just do a long (3 hours saddle time or more, taking a break and chatting does not count LOL)fun rides on the weekend and watch your food intake on weekdays and a non-competitive 50 miler will be not hard.

